Making the Paleo Diet Easier with Paleo People Gluten-Free Granola
As part of the Build a Better Me Healthy Blogging Challenge, I have been trying my best to cut down on carbs in my diet (including baked goods and chocolate– though I have to admit, I haven’t been doing so well on the chocolate front!)
Carbs and Gluten
Besides cutting down on carbs, I’m also exploring the world of gluten-free food. While I do not have Celiac Disease (as many who go gluten-free do) I do feel like I might have a mild intolerance to wheat flour. This is an important distinction because those who are dealing Celiac have an autoimmune disease, not a food allergy, sensitivity or intolerance.
Fresh Veggies and. . .Chocolate?
We already eat plenty of fresh organic veggies in our household and pretty strictly use whole foods ingredients, but when it comes to sweets — I have a serious problem. That’s why this new low carb, gluten-free lifestyle has been hard for me.
I have absolutely no problem tucking into a big salad — some homemade soup like curried carrot apple ginger, broccoli mint or butternut squash or eating broiled salmon topped with sautéed zucchini, tomato and mushroom and served with quinoa couscous and a large helping of wilted kale salad or roasted broccoli. This IS food I love.
But afterward, I crave something sweet and preferably chocolatey. Let me be clear here– I know chocolate is chock full of great stuff for you and packed with amazing health benefits but NOT when it comes loaded with sugar. So, I’d been making do with homemade hot chocolate, using Dutch cocoa, unsweetened soy, almond or coconut milk and a drizzle of honey.
But I was dying for snack– one besides a handful of almonds and a clementine. Something with a bite or chew or a crunch but something that felt distinctly naughty but most especially– chocolate-y.
Then Paleo People Granola showed up at my door — four bags of it, to be precise.
The Wait is Over
First, I should say, I’m NOT a granola person (no matter how many veggies I eat.) I like bacon and butter and chocolate– real chocolate — not those lame carob chips they stick into granola. Most granolas annoy me– they’re either too sugary sweet or they taste like cardboard. I enjoy a handful of trail mix from time to time– but it has to be the good stuff (no peanuts or raisins.) I prefer trail mixes with cashews, almonds, cranberries, cherries and of course, chocolate. But granola — Ugh! No way!
But then, the Paleo People offered to sponsor the VP bloggers in our efforts by sending us some granola. At first, I begged off, saying “Sorry, I’m going gluten-free,” but then Theresa at Food Hunter’s Guide said, “Perfect– it’s gluten-free.”
“Hmph” — no more excuse– I was in.
When I opened the box from Paleo People I was greeted with four 5 oz bags of granola. It arrived at 3pm — right between lunch and dinner. I was dying for a snack.
What flavors did they send? The requisite apple something, something with bananas (I hate those crusty banana chips!)– cappuccino (hmmm, interesting) What? Wait? What?! Cacao Nut — Cacao means chocolate. I tore into the bag — something was better than nothing. I popped a piece in my mouth, waiting for the cringe factor but then . . . bliss.
It was crunchy but not too crunchy, chewy but not raisin-y sweet and there was plenty of sweet and chocolate but not in a heavy corn syrupy way. This was awesome. This was the most awesome granola I’d ever tasted.
About this time the hubby barged in wanting to know what I gotten.
“Granola,” I answered between bites.
“Oh,” he said and turned to walk back out of the kitchen.
“No wait, it’s good. Come here, try the apple or the banana one.”
No way was he getting my chocolate.
I tore open the Cappuccino Crunch, while he eased open the Apple Crisp. The cappuccino was okay but it was no chocolate — maybe I’d gotten the only yummy bag in the bunch — but then, he smiled.
“Man, this stuff is good.”
“It is?!”
“Yeah, try some,” he held the bag out for me.
“Ok, but that will be your bag because you’re not getting any of my chocolate . . . Well, you can have a taste.”
The Apple Crisp was great for apple — I mean, the only apple I usually like is one from a tree– not in pies or cobblers and especially not in granola– but I liked this and he LOVED it.
We both adored the Banana Nut Crunch — just yummy banana flavor — none of the crusty enamel breaking, hard chips of banana.
Neither of us liked the Cappuccino but that’s probably because it tasted like Folgers to us and NOT cappuccino. But if you’re the kind of person who likes Americanos, I bet you’ll love this one.
The hubs was in love with the apple and I could not bear to part with my chocolate (though we both did attempt sharing with our son — who favored the banana.) All was right with the world.
Anyway, Paleo People saved me — just when I needed a fix, they swooped in with their delish granola treats and made it all better. I could do this low carb, gluten-free thing (at least until the granola gave out!)
(Psst! Paleo People, if you’re listening: Send MORE granola!!)
Paleo People Giveaway
If you’re going gluten-free or are one of the many people taking part in a Paleo Diet — you’ll LOVE Paleo People but even if you’re completely unfettered by issues with carbs or gluten, I think you’ll find Paleo People Granola to be a nutritious and healthful way to snack.
Paleo People Granola is filled with “the good stuff” like:
Nuts: almonds, brazil nuts, pecans and walnuts
Fruit: raisins, apples, bananas
Seeds: flax, sunflower and pumpkin
Other good tasting, good-for-you goodies: coconut oil, cacao nibs, honey, coconut and spices.
*Wanna WIN a four pack of Paleo People for yourself? Just comment below for your chance to win.*
Winner will be chosen at random.
*Wanna increase your chances of winning? Visit the Paleo People Host Page at Food Hunters Guide to Cuisine and find out how to enter to win on all participating Virtual Potluck Blogs.*
This product was sent free for review but as always, the opinions are my own.
WINNER: Marnely Rodriguez-Murray is the winner of the Paleo People giveaway entering for her best friend, who is pregnant! Congratulations Marnely and ultimately, Joella!
Thanks for explaining the difference between celiac disease and wheat allergies – I’ve often wondered about that (but never remember to look it up myself 🙂 Glad you got your chocolate fix!
yummy! i would love to try this – my husband went paleo, and in support ive recently had to decrease my carb consumption is solidarity. thanks for the opportunity!
We recently tried another wheat free all natural granola and it was like eating cardboard. We’re still looking for one that doesn’t and this would be a great (FREE) way to try this granola out.
I think I’d love the Cacao!
Those granola flavors sound pretty good, I am trying to lose some weight, so maybe I’ll give it a whirl!
Seriously– the chocolate is the bomb!
I came back to say I like them on FB and want to win this for my bff who’s preggers and loves snacking!
Thanks chica!
Yumm! Sounds delicious. I would love to try this.
they sound good and tasty.
I would love to try the Chocolate!
Granola is an addiction I gave up when oatmeal left my diet with taking on Paleo…..I miss it dearly!
Yay Dana! Now, you can have your Paleo and eat your granola too!
Thanks for explaining the difference between celiac disease and wheat allergies – I’ve often wondered about that (but never remember to look it up myself 🙂 Glad you got your chocolate fix!
I’m interested in trying the Cacao Nut granola.
yummy! i would love to try this – my husband went paleo, and in support ive recently had to decrease my carb consumption is solidarity. thanks for the opportunity!
We recently tried another wheat free all natural granola and it was like eating cardboard. We’re still looking for one that doesn’t and this would be a great (FREE) way to try this granola out.
I’m also trying to go lower carb, and have been hesitant about granola in the past, but these sound great.
I’m glad you liked them!
Chocolate sounds yummy to me too 🙂 would love to try this! (ps. I like banana chips… :p)
I would love to try these!!