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Around here at The Groovy Foody, we’re kind of known for doing more complicated dishes, for delving into alternatives like baking with whole grain quinoa or exploring world cuisine but even the most adventurous foodie among us likes to take part in the simple things.  This is even more imperative on hot days, when you might not want to be hanging around a hot stove and instead enjoying a frozen treat to beat the heat.

Since we hate artificial colors, flavors and most especially, high fructose corn syrup around my house — we don’t buy frozen pops — we make ’em. And the recipe we use couldn’t be simpler or tastier.

Bonus: They’re healthful, so you can feel good about sharing this treat with your kiddo this summer. Which is good because in my house they go quick — this batch was gone before I ever got my hands on one pop!

The first thing you need is a good mold (or some small paper cups and some wooden Popsicle sticks.) Since I’d like to reuse the mold (cutting down on paper waste and environmental impact) we bought a set of Popsicle molds from Whole Foods. We got the Star Shaped molds but they also had rocket ships (we’re gonna have to get those soon!) and the traditional Popsicle style molds. The best thing about these molds, besides the fact that they’re easy to use and come in fun shapes, is that they are BPA-free. What a find!

Fun for the kids to make too!

Easy Frozen Fruit Pops

These pops are so easy and fun, that you’ll wanna let the kiddos join in the fun too! You can make these fruit pops without the yogurt by increasing the orange juice (or the sweet juice of your choice) but the thick Greek yogurt makes them undeniably creamy. The only other variation (besides using different fruits) is the substitution of a 1/4 cup of vodka, rum or bourbon (in place of juice) to turn these from a tame kiddie treat to an adult summer party favorite! Enjoy


  • 1 bag (1o oz) frozen or 2 cups fresh, organic fruit (berries, peaches, bananas, kiwis, watermelon- whatever you want!) We used Whole Foods 365 Everyday Blackberries
  • 2 cups Greek Yogurt (I prefer whole– it’s creamier but you can use low or non-fat)
  • 2 tablespoons honey
  • 1/8 to 1/4 cup of water or orange juice (if you’re using frozen fruit) to help it blend.

Throw all the ingredients together in a blender and blend until smooth. Pour into the molds, insert sticks and let chill at least 3 to 4 hours before removing from freezer. When you go to remove the pop from it’s mold, run it under a bit of warm water so that it releases easily and then slowly pull the stick end of the pop out of the mold and eat.

Happy Summer!

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Disclaimer: As a sponsor of this blog, Whole Foods provided ingredients free of charge in order to facilitate these recipes. No monetary compensation was received for my opinions — they are, as always, truthfully my own.