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When Virtual Potluck was approached to work with True Lemon, I was hesitant.

As a native Californian (only transplanted in the Pacific Northwest) citrus is like home to me. The idea of NOT grabbing a fresh lemon or lime for a recipe seemed, frankly, a little nuts to me.

I grew up with a lemon tree in my Granny Jason’s backyard in sunny southern California, from which she would make the most insanely delicious lemon meringue pie. (No, I won’t be trying it with True Lemon– granny’s pie is sacred!)

In any case, I caved and decided to try the products out for two reasons — 1) they offered citrus drink mixers sweetened with my favorite natural sweetener, Stevia and 2) several of my VP cohorts said the stuff was all natural and legit.

So arrived a large box of citrus-y products (much like the box you can enter to win down below and on all the VP sites by visiting the Host page at Cooking with Books.)

I was amazed at how much product they sent for us to try (and you’ll be excited too, if you’re a lucky winner — but even if you’re not you can still try some True Lemon for yourself by emailing [email protected] directly for free samples!)

The Trial

Though I was excited to try the drinks first — I ended up being disappointed overall with them because I just felt that they used WAY too much stevia to sweeten their product.

If they cut the amount of sweetener in half they’d have a winner. My opinion is that you’re NOT competing with the soda market but rather the designer water and water enhancement market and those of us who enjoy these “healthful” beverages would rather the sweetener be lighter. When you have this much stevia, like all sugar replacements, you get a “diet-y” aftertaste.

Likewise, when I used the shakers of lemon and lime on steamed veggies, I felt the flavor was one-dimensional, not fully realized and almost felt “fake” even though the product is 100% natural.

NOTE: This may be some crazy disconnect with the brain, like how it gets tripped out when you eat a popcorn flavored jellybean — nevertheless, it didn’t work for me.

The Verdict

Where it DID work for me and where I think every home cook could find a great use for True Citrus products, is in salad dressings, dips, and marinades, as a preservative for mashed avocado or guacamole and in frostings, glazes or sauces.

When I used the True Citrus products in this way, they were convenient, easy-to-use and less mess — giving you just what you needed, right when you needed it. NOTE: On fresh veggies or in most stovetop cooked items I found it lacking.

  • I used True Lemon to preserve my leftover mashed avocados until I could use it for the Dark Chocolate, Coconut Butter and Avocado Pudding I made for the SoCal Avocado promo.
  • True Lime in guacamole dip
  • True Citrus (with soy sauce and fish sauce) as a sub for Ponzu in Farmgirl Gourmet’s delish Flat-Iron Beef with Snow-peas
  • True Lemon in a glaze for my Gluten-Free Lemon Chia Seed Teacakes
  • True Lemon, True Lime and True Orange in my True Citrus Zing Salad Dressing

All True products are 100% natural with no artificial ingredients or sweeteners, preservatives, sodium or gluten. True Lemon’s ingredients are the same as found in a lemon: Citric Acid, Lemon Juice, Lemon Oil and Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C)

When using True Citrus products keep the measuring equivalents in mind, they are as follows:

2 packets  =1 tablespoon of lemon, lime or orange juice* 
6 packets =The juice of one medium lemon, lime or orange*
8 packets =1/4 cup of lemon, lime or orange juice*

True Citrus Zing Salad Dressing

  • 4 packets True Orange
  • 2 packets True Lime
  • 2 packets True Lemon
  • 2 tsp Ice Syrup (honey or grade B maple syrup will do as well)
  • 1 Tbsp white balsamic vinegar
  • 3 tablespoons olive oil
  • salt and pepper to taste
Mix all ingredients thoroughly with a whisk to make a light emulsification, adjusting the taste to your palate and type of salad.
I use this dressing on spinach salads with nuts, fruits and cheese as well as with a garden salad with salmon and — as I have pictured here — with chicken, cucumber, red pepper and avocado salad. The zingy citrus flavor enlivens any greens and pairs well with the brightly colored crunch of peppers.
Happy Eating!


Would you love to try True Lemon products in your own kitchen? Well you’re in luck, because each and every one of us is giving away a True Lemon gift set that includes a box each of True Lemon, True Lime, True Orange, True Grapefruit, True Lemonade, True Raspberry Lemonade, True Lemon shaker, True Lime shaker and a t-shirt.

Giveaway Rules and How to Enter

Follow True Lemon on Twitter

Follow Virtual Potluck on Twitter

Follow The GrooVy Foody on Facebook

Tweet the following message: Join #citruslove by entering to win a gift box thanks to @TrueLemon & @VirtualPotluck!

Enter to win:

The comments are the official entry, there is no purchase necessary, void where prohibited. US mailing addresses only.One (1) winner will be chosen randomly. Prize will be shipped by True Lemon. The contest ends Sunday, March 18th, 2012 at 11:59 pm Eastern time. The winner will be announced on Monday, March 19th via email and will have 48 hours to respond before a new winner is chosen.

Congratulations to Chris Sorel our True Lemon Giveaway Winner!

Disclaimer: This post is sponsored by True Lemon, and as always my opinions are based on personal recipe testing (and tasting!) No monetary compensation was exchanged.