by messienessie_62pahm | Jan 30, 2023 | Chocolate and Cocoa, Live, Meals, Quick and Easy Meals, Site Demo
The other night, we ate the MOST decadent, deliciously chocolate-laden meal and dessert of my life — and it’s all because of YOU, my dear readers. You see, because of you, I was not satisfied with making just one dish for the Savory Spice Shop promotion...
by messienessie_62pahm | Jan 15, 2023 | Live, Luscious Desserts, Site Demo, Spring & Summer Recipes, Treats
Berries are nature’s candy. There is nothing better than biting into a handful of the sweetest, ripest and juiciest of summer’s bounties — the berry. Berries are so delectable and favored in our house, that my son refers to them as dessert and has,...
by messienessie_62pahm | Dec 8, 2014 | Fall & Winter Recipes, Live, Meals, Site Demo, Soups and Stews, Uncategorized
During the winter months, as life gets busier with the hustle and bustle of the holiday season and I am wont to run around with my family spontaneously looking at holiday lights but still needing desperately to meet deadlines, I find something has to be trimmed down...
by messienessie_62pahm | Apr 20, 2012 | Apps, Healthful Eats, Live, Salads, Seasonal Recipes, Site Demo
In the world of cocoa, the discovery process is never-ending. The story of the origins of this “Food of the Gods” (translated from its Latin, Theobroma Cacao) as well as its uses by ancient South American cultures is truly amazing. As are the many varied...