by messienessie_62pahm | May 19, 2012 | Comfort Food, Gluten-Free, Live, Meals, Quick and Easy Meals
Psssst. . .come here. You want in on a secret? You want the recipe for the BEST tasting gluten-free pizza crust that will EVER pass your lips? Ok — well, listen — this crust is NOT really a secret. In fact, it’s been posted on countless sites BUT not...
by messienessie_62pahm | Jan 10, 2012 | Healthful Eats, Holiday Fare, Live
Raising a toddler and juggling the full-time feast-or-famine-always-gotta-hustle solopreneur lifestyle of a freelance writer can be taxing enough, but with all that’s going on around here on The GrooVy Foody — creating new recipes, partnerships, promotions...
by messienessie_62pahm | Jan 4, 2012 | Breads and Rolls (NOT GF), Comfort Food, Live
By now you’ve seen my “Host Page,” for the Virtual Potluck Tasty and Healthy New Year Challenge sponsored by Bob’s Red Mill and California Olive Ranch. I love doing these promotions, and not just because we get to try out some truly fabulous...
by messienessie_62pahm | Dec 20, 2011 | Holiday Fare, Live
Each year, as I get a little older, I find my must-have list waning. When people ask me what I want, I usually tell them something homemade — a card, a story, a scrumptious treat, a song written just for me (thanks hon!) I’m pretty easy to please. But I...
by messienessie_62pahm | Nov 30, 2011 | Healthful Eats, Holiday Fare, Live, Luscious Desserts
Not long ago, as things with the Emeril promotion were winding down but before Virtual Potluck really solidified into the amazing network of food bloggers it is today, I approached Bob’s Red Mill (BRM) asking them to partner with my blog and to let me explore...